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Bay of Plenty Branch

The Bay of Plenty branch focuses on the Duke of Edinburgh programme with an open ward unit, adventurous journey training courses and shadowing journeys at bronze, silver and gold.

Branch Contacts

Chair Person:

Bob Mankelow

Branch Contact Person:

Gerry Purcell

Courses Available At This Branch

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Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award - Bronze

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award (DOEHA) Adventurous Journey Training Course. Includes both theory and practical skills in line with the DOEHA learning curriculum.



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Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award - Silver

Silver Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award (DOEHA) Adventurous Journey Training Course. Includes both theory and practical skills in line with the DOEHA learning curriculum.



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Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award - Gold

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award (DOEHA) Adventurous Journey Training Course. Includes both theory and practical skills in line with the DOEHA learning curriculum.



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