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Member Terms and Conditions

When working under the auspices of Outdoor Training New Zealand (OTNZ), members agree to:

  • Promote the aims and Objectives of OTNZ.

  • Be a supporter of the activities of their branch and region.

  • Adhere to the OTNZ Code of Conduct for Volunteers.

  • Adhere to OTNZ Safety Management System standard for all activities conducted by, or on behalf of, OTNZ.


To assist OTNZ in achieving its objectives and to meet Privacy Act requirements:


  • Members agree that information provided by them, or on their behalf, may be held by OTNZ, independently checked with third parties, and that comment may be sought from referees, trainers, assessors and others who have worked with them.

  • Members agree to OTNZ carrying out a Police vetting check with the NZ Police using the NZ Police Vetting Service Request and Consent Form. Members also agree (where at OTNZ's discretion it is appropriate) that similar enquiries may be made from overseas sources.

  • Members agree to OTNZ enrolling them on the NZ Transport Agency Driver Check programme. (No member will be permitted to provide shared transport, or drive any vehicle in relation to any OTNZ activity, or claim any mileage expenses if not enrolled.)

  • Members acknowledge that personal identification will be kept on record with OTNZ for the duration of their membership and that they may need to provide evidence of this again in the future on request.

  • Members undertake that the information provided by them will be accurate, comprehensive and not rendered misleading by known omission.

  • Members undertake that OTNZ will be notified promptly of any change in their circumstances or qualifications that would affect the relevance of the information previously provided.

  • Members understand that cases of unreliability, misconduct or any other activity likely to damage the reputation of OTNZ or any of its branches may result in termination of their instructor appointment and / or other OTNZ association.

  • Members understand that personal information held about them by OTNZ will only be what is relevant to the work of OTNZ, will be stored in a secure place, and sighted by themselves on request.

  • Members understand that images (still or moving) taken of them undertaking OTNZ activities may be used for promotional and other OTNZ purposes.

  • Members agree to complete the required return of services expectations for the disciplines that they are part of as well as the professional and recreational time required of them.

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